Hydroponics which is also popularly known as soil-less farming, is a modern type of horticulture and could be considered as a subset of hydro-culture which involves growing plants without soil, only by using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent.

MAATI Agritech is now a well-recognized part of the Indian Hydroponics Industry. In this setup the plant roots grow in a liquid nutrient solution. This liquid nutrient solution is a mixture of essential plant nutrients mixed in the water. So owing to the activation of controlled climate system the crops grow round the year giving bumper harvest/yield as compared to the traditional farming system. Hydroponic farming is cost efficient, it just requires an initial investment. MAATI Agritech has come up with a really innovative and educative hydroponic training program in which they’ll be sharing and training people how to effectively do this soilless farming, which would revolutionize the concept of traditional farming. This method has various benefits over the regular soil plantation, once the production of crops is constant you’ll see quicker plant growth and better plant production. This farming method is most effective in drought stricken areas, as it requires lesser consumption of water. The Hydroponic farms and greenhouse plants constructed by MAATI Agritech based on the most advanced construction and agricultural technology perfectly aligned to our assorted Indian environment.